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by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


Stash when pulling into a dirty tree

When you are in the middle of something and you learn that there are upstream changes that are possibly relevant to what you are doing. When your local changes do not conflict with the changes in the upstream, a simple git pull will let you move forward.

However, there are cases in which your local changes do conflict with the upstream changes, and git pull refuses to overwrite your changes. In such a case, you can stash your changes away, perform a pull, and then unstash, like this:

$ git pull 
... file foobar not up to date, cannot merge. 
$ git stash 
$ git pull 
$ git stash pop

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Graham Williams is the developer of open source software including rattle and wajig.
He is the author of Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
This web site is hosted by Togaware, free and open source software since 1984.