Go to TogaWare.com Home Page. GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams
Duck Duck Go


Subversion Server Setup

Run a server on Belinos (39.19) as a normal user with:

belinos$ svnserver -d

Then on Ganesha (39.17) check out the project with:

ganesha$ svn co svn://belinos/var/svn/myproject/trunk

Notice authorization errors on commit!

$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Authorization failed

Edit the file /var/svn/myproject/conf/svnserve.conf to change the defaults. First, everyone has read access to the project, so fix that:

anon-access = none

The on Ganesha:

$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: No access allowed to this repository

Introduce a passwd file to use, and stick with the default:

password-db = passwd


$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
Authentication realm: <svn://belinos:3690> a3ga432d-g81e-1310-b159-ac818d885622
Password for 'kayon':
This does not accept any of the passwords typed since we've not yet set up the file. So create the passwd file:
kayon = mysecret

Now it all works:

$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
Authentication realm: <svn://belinos:3690> a3ga432d-g81e-1310-b159-ac818d885622
Password for 'kayon':
Sending        Makefile
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 21.

Now that this works set things up to work systemwide as a server.

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Other online resources include the Data Science Desktop Survival Guide.
Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science.
Popular open source software includes rattle and wajig.
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