26.3 Emacs Denote
Denote is an elisp package to support note taking utilising a simple but well considered file naming scheme.
See https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote
To install:
For your .emacs
(require 'denote)
(require 'denote-retrieve)
(require 'ol) ; 20220628 gjw Required since denote-link needs org-link-set-parameters
(require 'denote-link)
(require 'denote-dired)
Keyboard shortcuts include:
C-c n l List the files in the notes folder.
C-c n n Create a new note prompting for title and keywords.
C-c n r Rename a file according to the same scheme.
There is plenty of scope for tuning.
The default folder for notes can be changed:
You can specify some initial keywords, alhtough they are also determined from the current files.
I like to be prompted for a sub-directory of the notes folder into which the note will be filed, then the date, title, and keywords.
For dired mode to highlight the different components of the filenames:
(setq denote-dired-directories
(cons denote-directory
(nthcdr 2 (directory-files denote-directory t))))
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'denote-dired-mode-in-directories)
Add a shortcut to list the contents of the notes directory:
(defun gjw:denote-dired-open ()
"Short cut to open the notes folder in dired."
(dired denote-directory))
There are no default keybindings so let’s add some:
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