27.23 Viruses
clamav, clamav, clamav, clamav clamav-freshclam, clamav-freshclam
The clamav, clamav, clamav, clamav package can be used to check email for viruses. The virus data will be updated automatically if clamav-freshclam, clamav-freshclam is installed.
The clamscan command can also be used used with procmail by using a script (in this case, clamfilter.pl from http://www.everysoft.com/) to run clamscan on each message with a procmail entry like:
The actual script to add the appropriate X-Virus-Found
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ClamFilter 1.0
# by Matt Hahnfeld (http://www.everysoft.com/)
# Requires perl, clamscan, procmail, and this script.
# Add these lines to your .procmailrc:
# :0fw
# | /usr/local/bin/clamfilter.pl
# This script is public domain.
use strict;
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
exit 0;
sub main {
# Set up a temporary file for the original message
my ($tmpfh, $tmpfn) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1 );
-w $tmpfn or die 'Could not open temp file!';
# Pass 1: Write out the temporary file
while (<STDIN>) {
print $tmpfh $_;
seek($tmpfh, 0, 0);
# Pass 2: Scan the message
open CLAMSCAN, "/bin/cat $tmpfn | /usr/bin/clamscan --stdout --recursive --mbox - 2>/dev/null |" or die 'Could not open clamscan!';
my $clamstatus = qq|X-Virus-Found: yes
Virus Scan Status:
while (<CLAMSCAN>) {
$clamstatus .= ' ' . $_;
$clamstatus .= qq|
# Pass 3: Print out the message
my $bodyflag = 0;
while (<$tmpfh>) {
if (! $bodyflag and $_ eq "\n") {
if ($?) {
print $clamstatus;
else {
print "\n";
$bodyflag = 1;
else {
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